
by Digital Asset Project Members

Global Cryptoassets Regulatory Landscape Study (2019 Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance), A Blandin, S Cloots, H Hussain, M Rauchs, R Saleuddin, J Allen, B Zhang and K Cloud

Property in Digital Coins (2019 European Property Law Journal, 8(1), pp. 64-101), J Allen

Negotiability in digital environments (Butterworths journal of international banking and financial law, July/August 2019 pp. 459 - 463), J Allen

Distributed ledger technology and digital assets - policy and regulatory challenges in Asia, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Anton Didenko, Cyn-Young Park, Emilija Pashoska, Dirk A. Zetzsche And Bo Zhao

Corporate Technologies and the Tech Nirvana Fallacy (European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) - Law Working Paper No. 457/2019), L Enriques and D Zetzsche

Regulatory Technology - Eight Policy Recommendations (LSE Law - Policy Briefing Paper No. 37, July 22, 2019), E Micheler and J Jiang

Technology in Finance, Law and Regulation - Taking Stock (A Conference Report)  (LSE Law - Policy Briefing Paper No. 38, July 22, 2019), E Micheler and M Sucharzewska

Challenges of Fintech to Financial Regulatory Strategies (2019 Madrid: Marcial Pons), T Rodriguez de la Heras Ballel

Crypto-claimants and bitcoin bankruptcy: Challenges for recognition and realization (2019 International Insolvency Review 233), J Sarra and L Gullifer

Cloud Crypto Land London School of Economics (2019) (Draft), Edmund SchusterIn

Code we trust? Trustlessness and smart contracts
(2019 Society for Computers and Law Journal), M Zou, G Cheng and M S Heredia

Innovation without Authorisation? The Regulatory Black Box of Cryptocurrencies in China, M Zou - Autonomous Systems and the Law (CH Beck 2019), Nikita Aggarwal, Horst Eidenmüller, Luca Enriques, Jennifer Payne, Kristin van Zwieten (ed)


Wrapped And Stacked: 'Smart Contracts' And The Interaction Of Natural And Formal Languages (2018 European Review of Contract Law, 14(4), pp. 307-343. Retrieved 30 Sep. 2019), J Allen

The Evolution of Currency: Cash to Cryptos to Sovereign Digital Currencies, Anton Didenko and Ross P. Buckley

Cryptocurrencies in the Common Law of Property, David Fox

When Bitcoin meets insolvency: Is Bitcoin property? Dutch and Russian responses (LexisNexis, 8 June 2018), I Kokorin

When bitcoin meets insolvency (Leiden Law Blog, 22 March 2018), I Kokorin

Virtual currencies in the Eurosystem: challenges ahead (Policy Deparment for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, Monetary Dialogue July 2018), R Lastra and J Allen


Taking security over bitcoins and other virtual currency, David Quest